As I've already mentioned, I love dresses, nude colors & flowers, so this dress easily caught my eye! The dress I'm wearing is designed by lovely Ir:ma , very talented lady from my city!
It is perfect for the summer (and the jacket is optional since it can be combination for the night out), very light and comfy. You can easily accessorize it, but I didn't, because of the little flowers on the fabric, which are absolutely enough for me.
I call this dress the "romantic" one, because it is how I feel while I'm wearing it, like a princess!
What I like the most, is the fact that you can wear it with heels and flats as well, and I like how soft and delicate the fabric looks. I would wear this dress to a formal/prom/ or an evening out dinner.
I love this one!
Kao što sam već spominjala, mnogo volim haljine, nude boje i cveće, tako da je meni ova haljina lako zapala za oko! Haljinu je dizajnirala draga Ir:ma, izuzetna dizajnerka iz mog grada!
Haljina je savršena za leto, a kožna jaknica je poželja uz večernju varijantu.
Izutezno je lagana i udobna, iako možda ne izgleda tako lagano. :)
Može se dodati par detalja i nakita, ali meni je cvetni materijal potpuno dovoljan... Nazvala sam je romantična haljina jer se u njoj osećam kao princeza! Najviše me je oduševilo to što može da se nosi i uz štikle, ali i uz neke baletanke ili čak bele starke. Nosila bih je za neku specijalnu priliku, maturu ili večernji izlazak...
Potpuno sam luda za ovom haljinom!

Dress - Ir:ma
Shoes - Iste Bu Ayakkabi
Bag - Parfois
Jacket - Bershka
Thanks Ir:ma for this beautiful dress!
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