Weather can be tricky: details
Happy weekend!
I was wearing sandals the day photos were taken when suddenly I've noticed change in the weather but it was too late, I was already away from home. Luckily, I brought this jacket with me otherwise I would freeze!
Anyway, it didn't stop us making some great shots that day!
This post is meant to be all about details because CocoPat bag and my sandals, they really deserve to have the whole post for themselves.
I was wearing my new CocoPat mini dream bag which arrived almost a month ago but I saved it for this shooting. Cutest bag ever and very affordable! The best thing is that you can customize it by yourself, to choose material, colors and details! They came in two versions, bigger one and this mini like mine. If you are interested in ordering, visit their Facebook page and contact them.
And of course, these fancy Istebuayakkabi heels! I love how they're wrapped around my leg with a little zipper behind which makes them very easy to wear and very comfortable for every occasion. I know my feet will thank me.
Kao što svaki outfit unapred isplaniran i ovaj je bio isplaniran, samo je vreme malo pokvrarilo slikanje i ovaj outfit sa sandalama, ja sam se smrzla i prehlada me odmah uhvatila, evo danas bolujem taj dan. Kada sam pošla, bilo je sunce, međutim, odjednom se vreme promenilo, a trebala sam i da pretpostavim s obzirom da je jesen uvek takva.
Ali nije ni bitno, mi smo uspele da napravimo neke odlične fotke!
Ovaj post je namenjen detaljima, pre svega ovoj preslatkoj CocoPat torbi i Istebuayakkabi sandalama. Torba mi je stigla pre skoro mesec dana, ali sam je čuvala za baš ovo slikanje. Najviše što volim kada su u pitanju CocoPat torbe je to što postoji mogućnost da ih sam "dizajniraš", odnosno, možeš birati materijal, boje i detalje. Ima ih raznih, a ove Dream Bag dolaze u većoj i manjoj verziji. Šalju za Srbiju, a poštarina je mala, ne mogu se setiti tačno. Ako ste zainteresovani, evo njihove Facebook stranice pa ih kontaktirajte.
Kada sam prvi put videla ove sandale, najviše me je privukla boja, a onda i to što tako lepo idu uz nogu i imaju rajfešlus iza što ih čini veoma lakim za obuti. Nisam sigurna da li šalju za Srbiju, ali možete posetiti njihov sajt i proveriti.

photo credits: Ana Djapic / anadjapic9@gmail.comdfd
xoxo, until the next time!
Great look! Though it definitely does look a bit chilly for sandals ;) It doesn't matter, though, they're great sandals. And the bag is gorgeous as well! It's great that you can, essentially, create your own. I love having that option :)
Thank you, dear! :) :*
DeleteOdlično. <3 Čim sam vidjela prvu sliku znala sam da će post biti super. Samo bih voljela da ubaciš više slika :)
ReplyDeleteDa, slažem se, ali ove su sve koje su uspele sa shootinga obzirom da sam je sa smrzla. :D
DeleteSledeći put buće više, obećavam! Ljubim te :*
Prelepe fotografije :)