Review: Mockberg Watch
Happy Monday everyone!
So since I've started my Minimalism Series I've been obsessed with simple and sophisticated watches. Therefore, I couldn't wait my Mockberg watch to arrive! Mockberg is actually this Swedish company which is producing minimalistic watches that you may have seen all over Instagram.
"We believe that a watch is more than just a way to keep track of time. For us a watch made of polished stainless steel and genuine leather with an elegant and classic design has a deeper meaning. Mockberg watches are handcrafted in this spirit to accompany you in your daily life and on special occasions in the utmost beautiful way possible" * via Mockberg's official site
Mine is called "Elsa" and it is silver with grey leather strap. While I was choosing which one to order, I couldn't decide whether to take "Alice" which is actually rose gold with grey strap or this one, however, I thought this one will be easier to combine with the rest of the outfit, and I couldn't be more happier that I've chosen this one. :) Hope you will enjoy the photos and that this review was helpful.
Od kako sam pocela svoje Minimalisticne Serije ovde na blogu, opsednuta sam jednostavnim i prefinjenim satovima, zato mojoj sreci nije bilo kraja kada je stigo Mockberg sat. Mockberg je zapravo kompanija iz Svedske koja proizvodi minimalisticne satove koje ste verovatno vidjali svuda po Instagramu. Moj se zove "Elsa" i u pitanju je srebrni sat sa sivom, koznom narukvicom. Dok sam birala koji da uzmem dvoumila sam se izmedju "Alice" (koji je roze (bakarno) zlato i sivom narukvicom)) i ovog, ali ipak sam uzela ovaj jer smatram da moze da se kombinuje uz mnogo vise stvari. Sat je jedini deo nakita koji konstantno nosim, ni mindjuse, ni ogrlice, ni prstenje, samo sat. Zbog toga se jaaaako obradujem kada upotpunim svoju kolekciju jos jednim satom. Nadam se da ce vam se fotografije dopasti i pomoci vam da mozda odlucite koji da porucite za vas. :) uzivajte!
What about the shipping, the cost, and the product quality?!