Minimalism series: Grey
Hello everyone,
hope you're having a great day because I am! :) I'm really enjoying these sunny days and light outfits as well. This post is part of my "minimalism series" blog posts where I show my minimalistic outfits and outfits ideas.
When I saw Rihanna's line for Puma, I knew that creepers are all I wanted! However, since it is impossible to get in touch with this line (If you're from Serbia or anywhere near), I found something exactly the same - YINKA creepers from Public Desire. These are absolutely perfect and I love them! As you may have noticed in my previous posts, I have exactly the same creepers but in beige color, and I can't decide which one I love the most.
I highly recommend this site since they have huge variety of high heels, laceups, creepers, flats...for very affordable prices and quick shipping. On their site you can choose you country and see how much shipping will cost.
Nadam se da je i vas dan bio lep koliko i moj! Volim lepo vreme i prolece pa tako uzivam noseci lagane kosulje, patike i farmerice. Kao sto vidite, jakna je bila visak. :)
Ovaj post pripada mojoj seriji minimalisticnih kombinacija, jer u poslednje vreme uvek nosim 3 boje: crnu, sivu i belu. E sad, kada sam videla one Puma patike koje je dizajnirala Rihanna za njih, poludela sam! Ali znate kako je kod nas, kod nas uvek sve dodje poslednje. S obzirom da ih nije bilo moguce naci, naisla sam na patike koje su apsolutno iste i one su sa stranice Public Desire. Ja sam opsednuta njima, koliko su samo lepe i udobne! Mozda ste primetili u jednom od prethodnih postova da sam nosila iste ovakve samo u bez boji, i ne znam koje vise volim, niti koje vise nosim.

White Blouse / Bela kosulja - Click here
Sunglasses / Naocare - Click here
Watch / Sat - Click Here
Bag / Tasna - Click here
Creepers / Patike - Click here
Mnogo volim ove lace up bluze. Očekujem jedan takav kombinezon, ali sad razmišljam da li da uzmem i belu bluzu sa istom forom. :)
Ova je odlicna, kao i uvek odusevi me njihov kvalitete, toplo preporucujem! :) :*
DeleteI love minimal looks like this and I'm such a fan of pairing grey with white. Love that bag as well!
Divna, divna, predivna! Obozavam tvoje outfit postove 😍👌🏻
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