Autumn: Hat is a must have


Happy Monday, everyone!

For a long time, I've been wanting to shoot an outfit with a hat and I finally got a chance!
I haven't been an hat-person before, but I'm now! I love hats during summer and autumn. I think it's a must have when it comes to autumn. 
What is great about embracing the hat trend is that a hat can instantly upgrade your outfit!

tip: If the brim of the hat is smaller, tilt the hat toward the back of your head leaving the front of the brim sitting on your forehead.

Here, I've decided to combine black and burgundy, which is my favorite color this season. I also got a chance to pair my wedges which I got a while ago, but I totally forgot them so I think they're perfect for this look since it wasn't really cold the other day.

Bilo da ih nosimo da nas ugreju ili samo kao modni aksesoar, šeširi su apsolutno must-have ove jeseni! Ranije nisam bila tip osobe koja je volela šešire, ali taj se osećaj u potpunosti promenio.
Sada je taj osećaj prešao u onaj osećaj pun samopouzdanja, e tako se osećam kada nosim šešir!

Prijaće svakoj vašoj odevnoj kombinaciji, vi ćete izgledati šik (čak i sa iscepanim farmericama:)) ! 

Jacket -  H&M
Jeans - Pieces
Shoes - Iste Bu Ayakkabi
Bag - Doca
Necklace - Ebay
Hat - H&M

Have a lovely week y'all!


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  1. This hat is sooooo beautiful :-)

    Love it !!


