Review: Jord Wood Watch


Hello everyone!

I'm so excited while writing this post because this post will be about beautiful and unique Jord Wood Watches. Watches have always been my thing, I could live without any other piece of jewelry but not without a watch. 

The first thing that I noticed when I received my parcel from JORD was the box that the watch came in. It's a beautiful wood box and the watch is set on a little cushion (which can be seen bellow). Mine is called  Purpleheart and Mother of Pearl watch  from Cora series. It's a burgundy with watch silver details, and burgundy is perfect for autumn/winter. Even though this watch is made of wood, it's so elegant and sophisticated as well.Watch looks exactly like it does in the picture on their site, where you can measure your wrist so they size the watch before shipping it out.

I would highly recommend these watches, the service is amazing, they're so kind and if you have any questions, you'll get your answer in a very short period of time, because they're very responsive.
And the best thing? Shipping is free WORLDWIDE and they wrote on the package that its value is only $20 so I payed only 600rsd (approximately $6) for custom duty. 

These watches are also great if you're planning to surprise someone for holidays, they will surely be surprised because they probably haven't seen wood watches before! :)

Jedva sam čekala da napišem novi post o ovom satu i da to podelim sa vama, jer nikada pre nisam videla ručni sat napravljen od drveta! Da, drveta! :) Samim tim što je napravljen od drveta, ovaj sat je jedinstven, ali je isto tako elegantan i jednako lep. Moj se zove Purpleheart and Mother of Pearl watch  i ima ga u raznim bojama. Ja sam baš ovaj odabrala jer je bordo, a bordo mi je savršena boja za jesen i zimu. Sajt je odlično dizajniran jer je pregledan i sat je identičan kao sa slike, tako da nemate brige o tome kakav će vam sat stići. Njihov tim je preljubazan i bili su mi veoma od pomoći jer na sajtu imate opciju kako da izmerite obim svog zgloba, tako da su oni izmerili sat prema mom zglobu pre nego što su ga poslala i savršeno mi odgovara. Svima bih preporučila da posete njihov sajt jer ćete sigurno naći sat koji vam se sviđa sa pristupačnom cenom (cene se kreću od nekih $120) . A najbolja stvar od svega je BESPLATNA POŠTARINA i činjenica da su na pakovanju napisali da košta samo $20 tako da sam ja carinu platila samo 600 dinara.

Sat je odličan ukoliko planirate nekog da iznenadite za praznike, sigurno će biti iznenađeni jer ne verujem da su ikada pre videli, ili imali ručni sat napravljen od drveta. :)

 If you like this watch, HERE is a direct link to it , but make sure to take a look of the rest as well! Hope you enjoyed in this review, and I hope I helped you in choosing your own wood watch.

Nadam se da vam se recenzija svidela i da sam vam bila od pomoći pri odabiru vašeg sata.
Ukoliko vam se svideo sat kao moj, evo direktnog linka: Jord Watch ali obavezno pogledajte i ostale.


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