Cotton Candy


This season is all about pink and candy colored coats, such as baby blue, pale pink, soft blush or creamy white coats! You may have noticed how a plenty of bloggers are wearing pastel coats and rocking pastel colors in many different ways... Pastel coat looks perfect with a t-shirt, boyfriend jeans and heels, with white turtle-neck and longer length skirt as well. You can style pastel coat with other pastel details, such as baby blue bag, or pants, and still to look modern and not so childish.
In this post you will see how I paired this amazing coat by IR:MA with boyfriend jeans, some oversized sweater and ankle boots.

Ove sezone izuzetno su popularni kaputu pastelnih boja poput svetlo roze i plave, bež ili puder boje. Možda ste već i primetili kako mnogo blogerke nose ove kapute i to izgleda odlično u raznim kombinacijama. Pastelni kaput će izgledati prelepo uz neku majicu, široke "boyfriend" farmerice i štikle, ali i uz beli džemper sa velikom kragnom i suknjom srednje dužine. Pastelni kaputi se mogu kombinovati sa još nekim pastelinm detaljima, kao što su tašna, pantalone ili košulja, i to će opet izgledati moderno, a ne detinjasto. :) U ovom postu videćete kako sam ja nosila prelepi IR:MA kaput 

sa famericama, sivim "oversized" džemperom i kratkim čizmicama.

Coat - IR:MA
Sweater - Romwe
Jeans - Zara
Bag - h&m
Boots - Pull&Bear
Necklace - Poppies Box

Hope you like this one!
xo, Aida

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  1. Aw, the colours are so sweet :) I love the outfit, it definitely is not childish, but it's still fun and happy. As much as a love the deeper colours, it is nice to have some light, happy colours in the winter :)


  2. Ne mogu se nagledati ovog kaputa, nemam riječi, prepredivan je! :)

