Minimal Black
Hello lovelies!
There is something so beautiful about keeping your life so simple. The same can be applied to your style, that is why I have been loving these back to black looks lately.
What I have noticed is the change in my style. When I say style, I mean color options.
Now, I wear a lot of black, grey and white, in other words, I choose minimal outfits. I don't know how or why it happened, it just did. I feel way more comfortable wearing simple pieces, like white t-shirt, black jeans and sneakers.
With that being said, one of my favorite purchases I've made lately are these Adidas Neo sneakers! I feel so casual, yet so fashionable while wearing them.
Ima nesto tako lepo u jednostavnosti zivota, jednostavnosti svega, pa tako i odevne kombinacije.
Bas iz tog razloga, u poslednje vreme cesto nosim crne komade odece. Primetila sam promenu u svom stilu, a mozda ste i vi, kada kazem stilu, mislim na odabir boja. Sada mnogo vise nosim crnu, sivu i belu. Sada mnogo cesce biram minimalisticne kombinacije, sto svedenije i udobnije. Mnogo se lepse osecam kada nosim obicnu belu majicu, crne pantalone i patike.
Kada smo vec kod patika, moja omiljena kupovina u zadnje vreme jesu ove Adidas Neo patike. Volim ih jer su nenormalno udobne i lake, opet nekako elegantne.
What I have noticed is the change in my style. When I say style, I mean color options.
Now, I wear a lot of black, grey and white, in other words, I choose minimal outfits. I don't know how or why it happened, it just did. I feel way more comfortable wearing simple pieces, like white t-shirt, black jeans and sneakers.
With that being said, one of my favorite purchases I've made lately are these Adidas Neo sneakers! I feel so casual, yet so fashionable while wearing them.
Ima nesto tako lepo u jednostavnosti zivota, jednostavnosti svega, pa tako i odevne kombinacije.
Bas iz tog razloga, u poslednje vreme cesto nosim crne komade odece. Primetila sam promenu u svom stilu, a mozda ste i vi, kada kazem stilu, mislim na odabir boja. Sada mnogo vise nosim crnu, sivu i belu. Sada mnogo cesce biram minimalisticne kombinacije, sto svedenije i udobnije. Mnogo se lepse osecam kada nosim obicnu belu majicu, crne pantalone i patike.
Kada smo vec kod patika, moja omiljena kupovina u zadnje vreme jesu ove Adidas Neo patike. Volim ih jer su nenormalno udobne i lake, opet nekako elegantne.
Jacket / kozna jakna : h&m *similar
T-shirt / majica : h&m
Jeans / pantalone : defacto *similar
Sunglasses / naocare : SammyDress
Sneaker / patike : Adidas *similar
photo credits: my hubby :)
Thank you for reading!
I tend more toward this style of outfit as well. For me it's just easier to put together a nice outfit with simpler pieces than it is with more complicated pieces, haha ;) You look great in this outfit, by the way :)
Simplicity on point!
ReplyDeleteSimplicity on point!