Happy Sunday everyone!
This is going to be a brief post about these amazing boots I got from Istebuayakkabi few days ago :) Here I'm wearing this cozy plaid scarf, which is so warm and so as you may have noticed, very popular this season. The rest of the outfit is pretty simple and black, expect the shirt I'm wearing underneath. Today was sunny, that's why I was able to wear this outfit, but this scarf looks amazing with the coat as well.
Ovaj post će biti veoma kratak jer želim da vam pokažem ove prelepe čizmice koje možete poručiti
za manje od 20e. Čizmice su sa sajta http://www.istebuayakkabi.com/tr/tango-bot i znam da šalju svuda po svetu, ali nisam sigurna koliko bude poštarina, tako da vam o tome ne mogu pisati, ali mogu vam reći da su izuzetno udobne i tople, sinoć i danas sam ih nosila ceo dan, i nema apsolutno nikakvu zamerku. Sledeća stvar koju hoću da pomenem je ovaj prelepi šal sa sajta Shein (pri kraju posta ćete naći link) koji je toliko popularan ove sezone, ja sam se jednostavno zaljubila, materijal je odličan, mekan i vruć.This is going to be a brief post about these amazing boots I got from Istebuayakkabi few days ago :) Here I'm wearing this cozy plaid scarf, which is so warm and so as you may have noticed, very popular this season. The rest of the outfit is pretty simple and black, expect the shirt I'm wearing underneath. Today was sunny, that's why I was able to wear this outfit, but this scarf looks amazing with the coat as well.
Ovaj post će biti veoma kratak jer želim da vam pokažem ove prelepe čizmice koje možete poručiti