Almost all black


Happy Monday, everyone!

The weather this week is amazing, even though it was a bit windy while shooting, it didn't stop me from wearing these amazing heels with ties! For a while now, I have been wanting a pair of heels like these and finally I have it. While I was thinking about this outfit, I wanted to wear black leather jacket as well, however, I was afraid it might be too black. Decided to go simple, wearing all black and adding this grey coat.

Vreme ove nedelje je i vise nego savrseno, pa sam odlucila da obujem ove cipele sa "pertlama" koje zelim vec neko vreme. I eto ih konacno kod mene! Izuzetno su udobne i s obzirom da tek pocinje lepo vreme, jedva cekam da ih jos vise nosim. Kada sam smisljala odevnu kombinaciju uz njih, htela sam da nosim crnu koznu jaknu, ali ipak mislim da bi to bilo previse crno pa sam se opet odlucila za ovaj sivi kaput. Svi podaci o stvarima sa fotografija bice pri dnu ovog post-a, ali moram da napomenem da je preslatka torbica sa stranice Nakit Paris i evo vec neko vreme je ne skidam. :)

Coat - Shein 
Jeans - h&m
Shirt - h&m
Shoes - AmiClubWear
Ring - Six 

Hope you will have a great week!

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  1. Omg everything in this outfit is so perfect!! I love this gorgeous coat and those amazing heels! Not to mention that your hair is spectacular!

