Daniel Wellington and AmiClubWear
Hi lovelies,
it's almost weekend and I can't complain about this week because I've been so creative and in a very good mood when it comes to my blog posts. This is my second post this week and it was really unexpected since I just wanted to share with you a few photos of my outfit with the bag everyone was asking about.
This bag is from site SammyDress and I have to say a few words about this one, because this bag deserves a lot to be said. First of all, the quality is amazing, I didn't expect it to be this good!
The color, the chain quality, the leather, everything is amazing and it looks exactly like on their site. It was really easy to order and I wasn't worried about the shipping because you can find everything described on their site (the shipping isn't free, but it's not expensive either).
The other thing I was worried about was customs, but as soon as I can remember I paid $5 approximately for it. The reason why I can't remember is because I've received a couple of parcels at the same time, so I can't remember how much I paid for this one, but I didn't pay more than $5 for customs. Shipping took almost 2 weeks and it was pretty fast since I'm used to waiting for 3 and more weeks for something to arrive.
Iskreno vam preporucujem ovaj sajt za narucivanje, odlican je!
Sledeca stvar sa istog sajta su naocare (kliknite ovde). Vidim da su sada popularne kod svih blogera, pa kad sam vec imala priliku da ih porucim, i ja se odlucila za njih. I one su super, oblik, dizajn i boja, sve je kao sa slike. Brinula sam kako ce mi stajati taj oblik, jer nista slicno nisam pre imala, ali cini mi se da deluju fino :)
Iako je isti sajt u pitanju, naocare nisu stigle u isto vreme kad i torbica sto me je veoma zabrinulo jer sam mislila da su se zagubile prilikom transporta, a onda su stigle nakod dva dana. Tako da ako vam se slicno desi, ne brinite, stici ce.

it's almost weekend and I can't complain about this week because I've been so creative and in a very good mood when it comes to my blog posts. This is my second post this week and it was really unexpected since I just wanted to share with you a few photos of my outfit with the bag everyone was asking about.
The color, the chain quality, the leather, everything is amazing and it looks exactly like on their site. It was really easy to order and I wasn't worried about the shipping because you can find everything described on their site (the shipping isn't free, but it's not expensive either).
The other thing I was worried about was customs, but as soon as I can remember I paid $5 approximately for it. The reason why I can't remember is because I've received a couple of parcels at the same time, so I can't remember how much I paid for this one, but I didn't pay more than $5 for customs. Shipping took almost 2 weeks and it was pretty fast since I'm used to waiting for 3 and more weeks for something to arrive.
I am absolutely obsessed with this bag and I will be wearing this one with jeans even more!
If you're interested, I highly recommend this site for ordering because everything is very affordable and the quality is amazing!
note: I do have collaboration with them, but trust me, I would never recommend anything that I'm not satisfied with.
Ova torba je sa sajta SammyDress i zelim malo pisati o njoj jer ova torba zaista zasluzuje da bude spomenuta! Pre svega, kvalitet je odlican, zaista nisam ocekivala da bude tako lepa! Boja, kvalitet ovog lanca, kvalitet materijala, sve je apsolutno savrseno i izgleda bas kao sa slike.
Samo narucivanje i postarina me nisu brinuli jer na sajtu ima sve objasnjeno, ono sto me je brinulo je koliko cu platiti carinu jer je torba poprilicno teska. Medjutim, na svu srecu, carina je bila oko 500rsd, ne mogu tacno da se setim jer sam u isto vreme porucila vise stvari i onda je sve stiglo odjendom sa razlicitih sajtova. Stigla je za oko dve nedelje, sto je prilicno brzo s obzirom da sam sa drugih sajtova cekala i do 3-4 nedelje da nesto stigne.
Ova torba je sa sajta SammyDress i zelim malo pisati o njoj jer ova torba zaista zasluzuje da bude spomenuta! Pre svega, kvalitet je odlican, zaista nisam ocekivala da bude tako lepa! Boja, kvalitet ovog lanca, kvalitet materijala, sve je apsolutno savrseno i izgleda bas kao sa slike.
Samo narucivanje i postarina me nisu brinuli jer na sajtu ima sve objasnjeno, ono sto me je brinulo je koliko cu platiti carinu jer je torba poprilicno teska. Medjutim, na svu srecu, carina je bila oko 500rsd, ne mogu tacno da se setim jer sam u isto vreme porucila vise stvari i onda je sve stiglo odjendom sa razlicitih sajtova. Stigla je za oko dve nedelje, sto je prilicno brzo s obzirom da sam sa drugih sajtova cekala i do 3-4 nedelje da nesto stigne.
Iskreno vam preporucujem ovaj sajt za narucivanje, odlican je!
Another thing that I got from this site are these sunglasses that I've seen on many blogger and decided to get one. I also didn't know what to expect since this was my first time ordering from this site, but again, I don't regret! Sunglasses (click here) are exactly like on their site, the color, the design, everything. Even though they are from the same site, they didn't arrive at the same time when the bag arrived. I've received these sunglasses two days later, but that wasn't a big deal, I was so happy when they arrived since I thought they got lost during the transport.
Sledeca stvar sa istog sajta su naocare (kliknite ovde). Vidim da su sada popularne kod svih blogera, pa kad sam vec imala priliku da ih porucim, i ja se odlucila za njih. I one su super, oblik, dizajn i boja, sve je kao sa slike. Brinula sam kako ce mi stajati taj oblik, jer nista slicno nisam pre imala, ali cini mi se da deluju fino :)
Iako je isti sajt u pitanju, naocare nisu stigle u isto vreme kad i torbica sto me je veoma zabrinulo jer sam mislila da su se zagubile prilikom transporta, a onda su stigle nakod dva dana. Tako da ako vam se slicno desi, ne brinite, stici ce.

Boots - AmiClubWear
Torba je fantastična a oblik naočala ti fenomenalno stoji. Da znaš, obradovala si me ovim češćim uploadom na blog.
Hvala draga! Milo mi je da ti se svidja :) Potrudicu se da nastavim ovim tempom kad je blog u pitanju :*