Quick post: Grey
Happy Monday, everyone!
I know I haven't been posting for a while but that's because of the exam week. I just wanted to share with you this amazing, grey coat, which I've got recently. It's perfect for this kind of weather, when it's not snowing but it's still a little bit chilly.
My recommendation is this burgundy blouse with lace that I'm wearing underneath. I have to say that I wan't expecting it to be so good, the quality is amazing, and it was just $12 :)
Jedva da imam vremena da objavljujem novi post, ovaj je bio onako brz, samo koliko bih mogla da vam pokazem ovaj kaputic koji mi je skoro stigao, ali bilo je snega, pa ga nisam mogla nositi. Tako da mi je za ovo sada vreme bas pristao. A bluza d cipke koju nosim ispod, me je odusevila kvalitetom. Moram da priznam da nisam ocekivala da ce biti tako dobra jer je kostala samo $12 :) Linkove ka bluzi i kaputu imate na kraju posta.
I know I haven't been posting for a while but that's because of the exam week. I just wanted to share with you this amazing, grey coat, which I've got recently. It's perfect for this kind of weather, when it's not snowing but it's still a little bit chilly.
My recommendation is this burgundy blouse with lace that I'm wearing underneath. I have to say that I wan't expecting it to be so good, the quality is amazing, and it was just $12 :)
Jedva da imam vremena da objavljujem novi post, ovaj je bio onako brz, samo koliko bih mogla da vam pokazem ovaj kaputic koji mi je skoro stigao, ali bilo je snega, pa ga nisam mogla nositi. Tako da mi je za ovo sada vreme bas pristao. A bluza d cipke koju nosim ispod, me je odusevila kvalitetom. Moram da priznam da nisam ocekivala da ce biti tako dobra jer je kostala samo $12 :) Linkove ka bluzi i kaputu imate na kraju posta.

Coat - Shein
Blouse - Romwe
Jeans - Pieces
Bracelet - The Peach Box
Boots - Istebuayakkabi
xo, Aida
That's such a cute jacket, it looks like the perfect weight for the very early spring! The blouse looks great as well. Romwe almost always surprises me, haha!
I'm obsessed with this colour combination!x